Thank you for visiting onemanonemessage.org. Our prayer is that this Web site blesses you beyond measure!

Onemanonemessage.org is a Christian organization. We are committed to the highest level of excellence and integrity in all aspects of our organization and with respect to our Web site. This includes the privacy of any information you provide to onemanonemessage.org. We promote and uphold the highest standards with respect to disclosure and informed consent of use of information so that we may continue to operate transparently and with integrity. This privacy policy applies ONLY to onemanonemessage.org. It does NOT apply to any third-party sites that onemanonemessage.org links to from our site. We are in no way accountable or responsible for any of the privacy policies of any third-party Web sites.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Under no circumstances whatsoever will onemanonemessage.org ever rent, sell, lease, or share personal information with any other person, groups of persons or organizations. The ONLY exception would be in the case of a response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal processes, or to establish and/or exercise our legal rights if needed. We also make every effort to ensure the integrity of the data that is provided to us and that access to it is never compromised by a third-party. Only members of the onemanonemessage.org staff access the data submitted through our Web site, on a need to know basis only. These staff members are trustworthy and operate with integrity. We know we one day stand before the Lord and be accountable to Him for the appropriate support and handling of all the information received through this Web site.

Data Gathering

The type of data gathered by onemanonemessage.org can be classified as either Anonymous or Personal.

Anonymous information records the IP (Internet Protocol) address used by each visitor coming to our Web site. This information cannot be traced back to one specific person; it is just general information. We used this general data to gather statistical information about visitors to our Web site, such as the days and times people are most likely to visit the site. This information allows us to provide the best possible service we can to our visitors.

Personal information is information that you willingly provide about yourself on a voluntary basis; it can identify who you are. It includes, but is not limited to the following: first and last name, street address, city, state, zip code, phone number and email address. It can be part of a prayer request, a praise report, a message, or an e-store transaction.