How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?

(Romans 10:14 NKJ)

All born-again believers are called to take the Gospel into all the world. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then that means you too. It is what we are all called to do. Proverbs 11:30 in The Amplified Bible says, He who is wise captures human lives [for God, as a fisher of men – he who gathers and receives them for eternity]. The Bible has numerous references about being a messenger or becoming a messenger for Jesus, click here to read them here.

What does it mean to be a messenger? The American Heritage Dictionary defines messenger as “one that carries messages or performs errands; a bearer of news; a forerunner; a harbinger; a prophet.” Becoming a messenger for the Lord is fairly easy. There is no formula or steps to follow or classes to take or diploma to earn. It does not matter how old you are, how much money you make, or your education level. It is a matter of your heart being in the right place. All you need is a heart for the Lord, a desire to share all of the wonderful things Jesus has done for you with other people — to share the message of salvation you treasure so dearly with others in your “sphere of influence.”

Sphere of influence? Yes. No matter who we are or where we are in our lives, each of us has people in our lives we come into contact with on a regular basis. They may be friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors, social club members, hair dressers, sales clerks, telemarketers and so on. Almost every day we come into contact with someone for some reason. These are lives we can touch with the message of Jesus. Every time we come into contact with someone, it is an opportunity to show and share with them the love of Jesus.

Does that mean that every time you see someone in your sphere of influence you need to share the Gospel message with them? No, not necessarily. Trust the Lord to guide you in this area. It may be you show the life you have in Christ through the words you choose to say or those you don’t say, through the things you do for others or through the things you no longer do to others. Let your life for Jesus shine through your kindness and the way you treat those around you. Your actions, in many cases, may speak louder than your words. The Lord will let you know when the time is right to share more. Or it may be you simply share what the Lord has done in your life  and what He means to you. You can share how He has changed you and turned your life around — how He has healed you or made your life whole. Whatever it is that He has done for you, share it with those in your sphere of influence; let them know He can do  the same for them too, if they only believe.

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15 KJV). Many times when we hear the scripture to take the Gospel into “all the world” and “teach the nations” we somehow think that means we have to move to another country. Scripture does not say, taketh ye family and move to another land to share the Gospel. It simply says “into all the world.” You are part of all the world. Your family is part of all the world, as are your coworkers, friends, neighbors, etc. We don’t need to move our families overseas or go on a missions trip to be in the “mission field.” Our mission field can be right where we are. Everyone needs Jesus right where they are. You can reach out to unsaved members of your family or the neighbor next door. These may be the very people God is calling you to become a
messenger to; they may be your mission field. Simply be open to where God is calling you to share the message of salvation.

You may be thinking, But I am not a pastor — I don’t know how to preach! You don’t need to be a pastor with a big church or the leader of a large ministry to be a messenger. Scripture does not say only people like Billy Graham or Oral Roberts are qualified to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. It says “go ye.” Ye is anyone, even you! As a believer, you already are a representative of the Most High God.

Your words and actions are a direct reflection of who you are in Christ. You don’t need to stand in a pulpit to share the message of Christ. You can do it every day of your life right where you are by showing the love of God to people in your sphere of influence.

You may be the only way some of these people come to hear or know about Jesus. If you are considering becoming a messenger for the Lord, spend some time with Him in prayer. Talk with Him about sharing His Word with “every creature.” Ask Him to show you what He would have you do. Be still and listen to what He has to say to you.